Official Rules

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  • 1/10 3s – Kids class
  • 1/10 3s – Stock 2 WD class
  • 1/10 3s – 4 x 4 class
  • 1/10 3s – Modified class
  • 4 – 6s – 1 /8 scale and larger class
  • Psycho – 8s 1/7 scale and larger class. * One race and done*


Best of 3: (CLASSES of 8 RACERS – Classes exceeding that will be 1 and done). Racers must win 2 out of 3 races to advance. Once an initial race lane is determined. Racers will alternate lanes until a winner is determined. Winners will advance to the next round. The race winner is the driver of the car that contacts the finish line first without committing a lane infraction or race class infraction. A racer must attempt to cross the finish line in order to win race. This is a first is worse format. If neither racer crosses the finish line and neither racer commits a race infraction. The racer who travels the furthest from the start line is the winner. A racer can also lose a race by lane
infraction or race class infraction. Lane infraction is contacting or crossing center line/cones, contacting side wall or any part of the track system.


  1. No gas or Nitro cars permitted.
  2. Must have a manufacturer sticker on all batteries.
  3. All cars are required to have a body that covers the battery.
  4. All register entries need to be completed before your class stages.
  5. All racers and their cars must be staged for first round.
  6. One entry per class.
  7. A racer is not allowed to switch cars between entries or with another racer.
  8. A racer can switch parts between entries or with another racer in the event
    of a failure.
  9. Chassis replacement must be approved by the race director.
  10. No test hits allowed once racing has started.
  11. We run on the light; only Race Master determines if there’s a jump.
  12. Racer must be ready for the light once both racers are staged.
  13. All entrants MUST attend all drivers’ meetings and make themselves
    aware of the racing circumstances as to not hinder the flow of the racing
    program. It is the responsibility of entrants/drivers to be aware of the
    race schedule and activities at all times.
  14. Cars must return on return road or carried back by a person.
  15. Lane and race order will be determined by coin flip/chip draw.
  16. The Race Master has final say in any questioned situations

** All rules are subject to change by discretion of the Race Master***